Articles & Discussions
The health topics listed below are discussions and articles Dr. Hanson has presented to various businesses, organizations and publications over the years. We trust you will find them informative and interesting. In looking them over, you’ll discover there’s more to unified chiropractic health than just sprains, strains, aches and pains. Addressing your overall health in a holistic fashion is just as important as attending to your specific health complaint. That’s because your health involves more than just your back. You also have lungs, a stomach, kidneys, nerves, and a whole lot more! In the “Triad of Health”, every part of your health foundation counts. So, in the dialog and comments presented below, please listen, read and enjoy!
Health Articles by Dr. Hanson
Below are some articles, written by Dr. Hanson for newspapers and magazines, which cover a multitude of issues about feeling good and staying fit. As you read them, you’ll find the focus of each is to provide the reader with ideas about helping your own health. Check back each month, as new health articles will be added on topics such as; headaches, chronic pain, allergies, and more.
Chiropractic and Applied Kinesiology
Unified Healthcare
Chiropractic and
Family Health Care
Health and the Integration of Body and Mind
Monthly Health Articles
Allergies Part I
Allergies Part II
Allergies Part III
Allergies Part IV
Arthritis Part I
Arthritis Part II
Athletic Performance Part 1
Athletic Performance Part 2
Athletic Performance Part 3
Bursitis, Tendonitis and Myositis
Chronic Pain Part 1
Chronic Pain Part 2
Chronic Pain Part 3
Fibromyalgia: An Incessant Pain
Good Nutrition, What’s the Catch?
Health vs Stress
Holiday Cheer
Sports Fitness and Sports Injury: The Fine Line – Part I SPORTS FITNESS
Sport Fitness and Injury – Part II
Health Discussions by Dr. Hanson
Listen in and hear what Dr. Hanson has to say about maintaining good health. Listed below are various topics on healthy living as presented by Dr. Hanson on local radio. The first, “Holistic Health and Wellness” is one-half hour long. The following forty “Healthy Updates” are one minute apiece. These discussions include descriptions of various health issues, as well as self-help tips on staying healthy.
Holistic Health and Wellness -and the relationship between muscles, organs and emotions.
Healthy Updates
- Healthy resolutions
- Allergies
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Back pain
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Chronic fatigue/Chronic pain
- Dizziness
- Ear problems
- Fibromyalgia
- Food allergies
- Headache
- Healthy lifestyles
- High blood pressure
- Hip pain
- Hyperactivity
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Knee injuries
- Metabolic syndrome
- Neck pain
- Nutrition
- Physical fitness
- Plantar fasciitis
- Posture and body mechanics
- Raynauds syndrome
- Running injuries
- Shingles
- Shoulder injuries
- Sleeping difficulties/Insomnia
- Sports injuries
- Stomach disorders/Heartburn
- Stress and health
- Sugar; is it bad for you?
- Tendonitis
- Tennis elbow
- TMJ syndrome
- Weight loss (how to make it happen)
- Women’s health
- Workspace ergonomics