We are what we eat, and that can sometimes lead to rashes, swelling congestion of the throat, wheezing, headaches, nausea, cramps, and vomiting. All food sensitivities aren’t strictly a physiological problem. Troublesome emotional behavior has also been linked to food … [Read more...]
Allergies Part II
Allergies can be triggered by a myriad of reasons, but the result is the body reacts in a similar fashion to all these allergens (a substance causing a hyper-sensitivity reaction). Allergens are, in general, found to be the protein component of a non-noxious food, bacterium, or … [Read more...]
Allergies Part III
When people think of allergies, they most often think of hay fever. Allergies to our environment are quite difficult in trying to avoid its exposure. Let’s face it, grass, trees and pollen are everywhere! What many people don’t know, though, is that environmental allergies are … [Read more...]
Allergies Part I
You can tell when springtime finally arrives by how many people are sneezing and wheezing all around you. Some of us have a pre-disposition to allergies, and some of us don’t. For those of you who do, this article can give you some helpful hints on what you can do about … [Read more...]